May 18, 2007

"Gyan" begins with Romance....

The main actor in Shona's mind is "Gyan". Everyone of us undergo a phase in life when feeling of love develops for someone very cute and special. Whom we call close to my heart...Love at first sight....Oh! you know what my friend told me today, he fell in love with a gal who lives in his colony...

Now what is this Fell in Love!! Gyan says, Why do people say I fell in love? Why don't they simply say I am in love or I feel a special feeling these day etc...

Gyan shares that there is no such thing like felling in love...When you are in love you grow, learn to face life - different situations.

So next time someone shares with u I fell in love....What would you share - "Feel the Love - Not Fell in Love" - Rise up my friend, don't fall in love - It's a great feeling - So friends as Gyan begins Romance & the romantic talks fill in your mind right now....Rise up call your loved one and Enjoy!

GYANISM: "Gyan behind Shona - Feel me my love I am with you forever - deeper in your heart..don't look up - you will find me in your Heart"

Why I named it Taste of Gyan?

"Gyan" means: knowledge. "The word Gyan revolves around the universe" and you can also derive the same as "The universe revolves around the concept of "Gyan". Gyan is something based on everyone's perception and thinking.

As we all know that everyone is not the same and the "thinking bubble" differs from person to person. The taste of gyan is a journey of day-to-day life.

Daily we grow by learning and we all learn something new via different sources. Hey! You know everyday we learn something and Life takes us to an exciting roller-coaster ride through variety of changes.

Few changes add "Spice to your life" others also have a bitter/sweet impact depending upon how you take things.

The taste of Gyan will be a "tasty" blog in which I will be adding up everyday, updates about the lively changes which happen to my life affecting my surroundings and inward journey deep in my mind.